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Become a Change Driver 

You can completely change the course of a young person's life.  

Driving change, changing lives.

Community Link Trust supports some of the most high-risk and disengaged youth in our region. These rangatahi have slipped through the gaps in our education and social systems and are trying to navigate the world through inter-generational trauma and other heavy challenges.

By bringing these vulnerable, at-risk youth into a hope-filled and whaanau-centred environment, we help them work through their trauma and choose different paths, get back into mainstream education, and strengthen connections with whaanau to restore identity and hope. We also help rehabilitate young offenders away from a life of crime.

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Your support means a young person won't miss out. 

By becoming a Change Driver, you can accelerate the rate at which we can help restore our community and make a significant impact in changing the futures of local young people.  

What your generosity does 

Community Link Trust brings hope, transforms lives, and changes futures. But it's not easy. Most funding does NOT cover staff development, facilities or operational costs, which significantly limits the amount of support we can give the community.

All Change Driver donations will: 

  • Develop and strengthen the Mentors and Staff working on the front lines with the young people

  • Improve the Facilities for the youth programmes to increase engagement & wellbeing

  • Support the Operational Costs of the proven programmes bringing results for the community


Help steer a future today! 

Become Change Driver today by giving $100 monthly (or make a one-time donation if you’re not ready to make a monthly commitment). 

You can register as a business or individual, all gifts are Tax Deductible, and you can cancel any time.


Choose a Keyring

Receive a Steering Wheel Keyring as a reminder of the change you're driving. You can get a different Keyring for each $100 monthly pledge you make.

Donate using Internet Banking

Account number:


Please note the area you want your donation to be allocated by using one of the following references:​

  • Child/Youth

  • Whānau

  • Crisis

  • Counselling

  • Most Needed

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